Your teachers

Dipl. Ing. Mark Haacke

Dr. Kuuya Chibanguza LL.B.

Product safety and product liability


Event dates:
11.02.2025 l City: Essen l hybrid l german
09.09.2025 l City: Essen l hybrid l german

SKU: N/A Category:


Maintaining product safety requirements and avoiding product liability claims is the responsibility of every employee involved at any point in the product life cycle. Being familiar with these topics is even more essential the higher the impact on the final product and the assumed responsibility for its proper functioning.

Reconciling these requirements with rapidly advancing technology, rising customer expectations and ever-shorter production cycles is a particular challenge of today’s world: As a manufacturer, you must not lose touch on the one hand. At the same time, you must always ensure the expected safety of your products in order to satisfy your customers and possibly escape liability claims that could destroy your existence.

Learning Goal

Our training provides you as a participant with detailed knowledge of the requirements for product safety as well as the prerequisites and scope of possible product liability claims.

The legal basis is explained both at European level and national level. They learn to find relevant standards, interpret them correctly and derive targeted measures from them for their respective activities.

After this training

  • Know the relevant laws on product safety and product liability
  • Understand the requirements for a safe product
  • You can competently assess compliance with the product safety requirements related to your product by means of practicable methods
  • you are familiar with the various liability claims a company can face in the event of a defective product – and how to prevent them
  • Know how different types of use as well as the state of (science and) technology affect potential liability

What awaits you

This course focuses on products from the automotive industry and uses them to illustrate the subject matter. However, the lessons learned can be applied to all products that are “made available on the market in the course of a business activity […]” (Section 1 (1) ProdSG).

As part of an in-house training, we can customize the training to your company and products.

The transfer of this knowledge is mainly done through the trainer lecture. To enliven the learning material, the participants are also actively involved in many ways: In the course of practical exercises, for example, they create concepts for compliance with product safety requirements or work out “how not to do it” by means of discussions of practical examples from the past. In addition, the willingness to ask questions when things are unclear is explicitly encouraged.


  • Legal basis of product safety and product liability
  • Reasons for increasing security requirements and customer expectations
  • Requirements for the provision of a product on the market
  • Concepts for ensuring the safety of products placed on the market
  • Necessary marking of a product
  • Detection of a defective product along the legal liability requirements
  • Evaluation of the consequences of placing a defective product on the market
  • Prerequisites and scope of the product liability claim
  • Claims from producer liability and difference to product liability

Group of participants

  • (Prospective) PSCR of the vehicle manufacturers or from the supply industry.
  • PSB (Product Safety Representative)
  • Executives
  • Employees from development
  • Supervisor and skilled worker from manufacturing
  • Insurers and lawyers for product liability
  • Other people who are involved in the product life cycle

Relevant previous knowledge is of course an advantage. However, the individual topics all begin with an introduction that is suitable for picking up people who were previously unfamiliar with the subject.

Formats and dates

The product safety and product liability training is designed as a one-day training. In combination with our other training courses, you can create your own personal learning path and achieve the qualification you are aiming for in a targeted manner.

You may choose to attend our open events or in-house training.

For open events you can find the dates in our event calendar.

We organize in-house trainings according to your wishes – you choose the date and tell us the number of participants – from 4 to 300 participants we can offer you many options. You also determine the venue according to your needs – at your location, at our location, in a seminar hotel or online/hybrid.

You have the choice between German- / and English-language events.


You will end the workshop with a learning success check. This serves on the one hand your own evaluation of the learning success, but also our internal quality management.

After completion of the event you will receive a certificate, as proof of the acquired qualification.

11.02.2025 l City: Essen l hybrid l german
09.09.2025 l City: Essen l hybrid l german

Dipl. Ing. Mark Haacke

Ingenieur, Geschรคftsfรผhrer von Mark Haacke Training & Consulting GmbH

Mit mehr als 25 Jahren Berufserfahrung in der Automobilbranche und รผber 20 Jahren Erfahrung bzgl. gesetzlicher Anforderungen ist er Kopf des operativen Bereiches und bei Projekten und Trainings immer mit dabei. Sein Lebenslauf ist geprรคgt von vielen Stationen โ€“ unter anderem als Sachverstรคndiger einer amtlich anerkannten รœberwachungsorganisation, Homologationsingenieur bei einem Lieferanten, Single Point
of Contact fรผr Rรผckrufe an zwei Carlines bei einem internationalem Fahrzeughersteller und 6 Jahre als Leiter fรผr
Conformity of Production. Darรผber hinaus engagiert sich Mark Haacke auch รผber die beruflichen Aufgaben hinaus, z.B. bei zahlreichen Expertenrunden und verschiedenen Arbeitskreisen des VDA-QMC aktiv.

Dr. Kuuya Chibanguza LL.B.

Rechtsanwalt Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH Partner Fachanwalt fรผr Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht

Dr. Chibanguza wird oft zur Beratung von Fragen der Minimierung von (Produkt-) Haftungsrisiken im digitalen Kontext (Industrie 4.0) fรผr nationale und internationale Mandanten empfohlen. In der von ihm konzipierten Veranstaltungsreihe “Rechtssicheres Projektmanagement” gibt Dr. Chibanguza regelmรครŸig Workshops insbesondere zur Risikominimierung im Unternehmen. Zudem berรคt Dr. Chibanguza nationale und internationale Mandanten im Vertrags-, Handels- und Vertriebsrecht. Besondere Expertise hat Dr. Chibanguza bei der Beilegung von gerichtlichen sowie auรŸergerichtlichen Streitigkeiten erworben.

Additional information


03.09.2024, 11.02.2025, 09.09.2025


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