Obtaining type approval is one thing….

An approval process can certainly be a hurdle that not every company masters on the first try. Legal requirements are increasing and the complexity of products is growing.

Once this hurdle has been overcome, you have the opportunity to manufacture and market your products in series. Now, however, we must not let up!

… retaining a type approval is the other.

Now you have to do everything you can to keep your permit. It is true that the legal hurdles for withdrawing a permit are high. However, errors in your products and also errors in your processes can lead to the authorities initiating measures with potentially unpleasant consequences.

The legislator has two simple tools for maintaining the conformity of your products and providing proof of this: “CoP-Q” and “CoP-P”. “CoP” is the abbreviation for “Conformity of Production”, i.e. the “conformity of products” or the “conformity of production”.


CoP-Q has your quality management in focus. Long before you can even get approval for your first product, the agency requires proof that your QMS is also designed to meet regulatory requirements. Clear rules for the organization and processes should prevent products from entering the market that are non-compliant or pose a hazard. The first step towards this is the initial assessment.


But even an “effective” quality management system alone is not enough to prevent all conceivable defects in your products. It is therefore a mandatory element that you regularly take random samples from production in order to prove by means of tests that the legal requirements are also met in series production.

Series release

As the focus of quality assurance tests differs significantly from CoP, it is important to also link the series release to a positive completion of the first CoP tests.

Do you need assistance in planning CoP or conducting related audits? Simply give us a call on 0175 72 75 222 or send us a message to info@markhaacke.com.

We are happy to qualify you and your employees through our training courses, provide you with advice, evaluate your products and processes in the form of expert reports or support you with our team in the event of staff shortages.