Dipl.Ing. (BA) Mark Haacke has outstanding expertise as an expert and appraiser. In this field, he learned the “craft” of the expert during his training as a test engineer at an officially recognized monitoring organization. After being entrusted as an expert by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology, he worked for some time as an expert and test engineer for said organization before continuing to develop his career in various companies.
With the experience of our founder and his analytical thinking and the technical expertise of the team, we are able to prepare and objectify even the most complex issues in a structured manner. This has already helped many clients to consolidate their position in disputes with authorities and courts.
As we are convinced that EU legislation on market surveillance and product safety makes an important contribution to consumer safety and fair competition between market players, we naturally also make our expertise directly available to the courts and authorities in order to ensure that the facts of a case can be assessed properly and with legal certainty.
We prepare expert reports on your (automotive) products. Is a recall imminent? Will the permit be denied? Do you need a reliable and binding statement on a specific issue?
Within the framework of an expert opinion, we analyze the facts of a case and evaluate them in a structured manner.
To the point
There are situations where the question and also the objective can be formulated very clearly. You do not necessarily need a comprehensive consultation for this.
Let’s take an accident as an example, where an expert assesses the damage, evaluates what repair is appropriate and reasonable, and then calculates the cost of the repair. This is exactly how we provide you with an expert opinion – for example, for a product defect to determine whether it is a serial defect that requires a product recall.
We clarify a very specific issue in the form of an expert opinion in the desired and meaningful level of detail.
Further examples are expert opinions for the evaluation of the approval requirement of a product, the approvability of a product, the conformity (with type approval) of a product or the conformity of a type approval to legislation.
Advantage of an expert opinion
Not only do you get a clear assessment of the facts. We show you the dependencies and delimitations of the evaluated characteristics.
Your innovation? We take it to the streets!

You have a new product idea for your company? Would you like to offer your product for other applications?
Excellent, ideas are important! Innovation even more!
But what do you have to consider now?
Just put it into circulation?
… No, unfortunately, it does not work like that!
… But almost!
Let’s say you want to have the approval requirement of a product evaluated. Even seemingly simple products can be subject to a multitude of legal requirements in the web of regulations. We clarify the applicable legal acts that the product must comply with, taking into account the intended use or installation scenario, and show you the assessment criteria so that you can independently assess whether changes to the product would lead to a reassessment.

We not only provide you with a binding statement on the approval requirement for your
product, but also a possibility for you to inform us about changes to the product, its
purpose or the installation situation, carry out a reassessment independently
Defect on the product? Take effective measures!
However, our appraisals cover an even broader range of options that require a technically sound and factually explained evaluation.
You have been confronted with a deviation on your products?
First of all, congratulations, because this shows that your processes work and that you are able to recognize deviations as such!
If it is a deviation
- to conformity?
- for safety?
- or simply a misuse?
In particular, the question must be clarified as to whether this is also a series defect and whether a recall is required.

Is there actually a deviation?
If you answer the question with “yes”, please always note that the directly expected solution, the really correct solution and also not the first identified cause for a deviation must be the real reason.
It is necessary to clarify whether the imputed deviation actually constitutes a deviation in the sense of the legislation – there are clear rules here and we check these
Even if we show in our expert opinion that there is a deviation in your product, this does not mean that it actually applies to the entire series.
Does that sound like too much effort? For us, it’s not costly at all. It is our absolute expertise!
Our interdisciplinary team of legal staff and engineers will prepare the expert opinions according to your requirements.
Of course, we also defend our expert opinion for you before authorities or courts. With our legal cooperation partners we can also support you beyond an expert opinion in the legal processing of the facts.
Contact us and make an appointment for a free initial consultation.
Project references
We can also refer to a wide range of references regarding expert opinions: