Clarification of terms – recall

And a distinction from other parking measures

Various field measures are grouped together under the term recall. This refers to measures to ensure that products placed on the market are cleaned of the defect or the effect of the defect. A distinction is typically made according to whether the product in question poses a hazard (to safety, the environment, public health) or is not in conformity with a (type) approval, or whether there is some other defect.

Which shutdown measures are possible?

From design changes to recall

The resulting action may range from a recall ordered by an authority to an extension of the warranty/warranty arrangements for the product in question.

Depending on the scope of the products affected and the extent of the measure required, this can have consequences in terms of costs but also for the image of the company or the specific product. Examples in the (automotive) history of the last years and decades can be found very quickly. In this case, certain product names are very quickly associated with a defect and a resulting recall – an association that cannot be severed so quickly. Surely everyone immediately knows which vehicle we are talking about when we name a test for a quick evasive maneuver.

Recognize and correctly evaluate errors

From endurance tests to complaints management

It is therefore very important for the company concerned to detect corresponding product defects as early as possible using all available means (complaints management, market monitoring, conformity of production or series monitoring, product integrity (PSCR(PSB), endurance tests, etc.). A reliable evaluation of the defect, the effect of the defect and the effective measures must then be carried out in a timely manner.

Subsequently, it is particularly important to be able to evaluate whether the identified defect can also be assigned to a defect of the series. This may result in the need to make design changes to the product and/or adapt production, and often also in the need to remove products already on the market or repair them.

What can you expect from us?

All phases of the recall by a well-rehearsed team

Our team can assist you in all phases of a callback:

  • Assessment of the identified defect in order to be able to reliably evaluate whether there is actually a hazard or nonconformity in the sense of the legislation,
  • Elaboration and implementation of communication an:
    • Authorities
    • affected customers (including holder query)
    • Workshops and dealers
    • Importers
    • Spare parts dealer
  • incl. follow-up of the success of the measures taken.

Among other things, we can look back on a successful recall of a Tier I supplier that affected well over 100 vehicle manufacturers worldwide.

What can we do for you?

Our know-how starts with the qualification of a company’s employees and culminates in the ability to coordinate a complete recall.

Talk to us, we will find the perfect solution: 0175 72 75 222.

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