CoP = Conformity of Production – in other words, the “conformity of products” or the “conformity of production”. But what is it now?
What are the CoP requirements for? You will learn about this in detail in our CoP basic training.
CoP = Conformity of Production – in other words, the “conformity of products” or the “conformity of production”. But what is it now?
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What are the CoP requirements for? You will learn about this in detail in our CoP basic training.
What is CoP? CoP is the abbreviation for “Conformity of Production”. But what is it now? Don’t miss our other articles on CoP-Q and CoP-P. You can also gain in-depth insights in our CoP basic training course.
The struggle through the jungle of shortcuts After explaining the abbreviations SoP, EoP and CoP in another post and how they relate to each other, I would like to take up the suggestion of a reader of my summaries of the posts on LinkedIn today. He expressed the wish to explain further terms briefly and…
Clarification of terms – recall And a distinction from other parking measures Various field measures are grouped together under the term recall. This refers to measures to ensure that products placed on the market are cleaned of the defect or the effect of the defect. A distinction is typically made according to whether the product…
“Product recalls are becoming so expensive thanks to the new Product Safety Regulation that every single one could mean our bankruptcy!” – But is that really the case? Regulation (EU) 2023/988 has been in force since 06/2023 Regulation (EU) 2023/988 (“General Product Safety Regulation – “GSPR”) has been in force since 06/2023 and must be…
How can I not only reduce the CoP effort, but also focus it in such a way that I can draw valid conclusions about the entire production via the CoP evidence and CoP testing?
When things have to move fast, solid recall management is key. Take advantage of our experience: 069/153 22 51 10
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