Case study from practice – recall through manipulation?

Case study from practice – recall through manipulation?

We were approached by the lawyer of a company that markets technical products because there was apparently a defect in a product. The market surveillance authority was already involved and a recall was ordered.

There was a rightly identified risk.

However, the authority has not recognized something: The error occurred because the user manipulated something – and not because the manufacturer put it on the market that way.

The CoP intensive workshop makes you a CoP expert!
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The CoP intensive workshop makes you a CoP expert!

The “Conformity of Production” procedures – in short, “CoP” – are subject to strict requirements on the part of the legislator/authorities.

Increasingly complex products and new technologies not only increase the demands on test procedures and measurement technology.

CoP is thus increasingly becoming a cost driver for you. How can you counter this?

Why trainings from Mark Haacke Training & Consulting?

Why trainings from Mark Haacke Training & Consulting?

guaranteed learning success and guaranteed practicability in practice! Why training on permit-related requirements? In order to be allowed to market products requiring approval, such as vehicles or vehicle parts, every company needs to be recognized by an approval authority, such as the KBA (Kraftfahrt Bundesamt – Federal Motor Transport Authority). This recognition, called initial assessment,…

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