
Would you like to know how to perform a callback quickly and efficiently? We explain how to do it.

You have identified a defect in your products yourself? Have you found a defect in a comparable competitor’s product that you cannot rule out in your products? Perhaps you have also received a request for comment from a government agency regarding an imputed error? At the latest when you have received an order for a recall it is time to think about a recall management.

When you need to go fast

Well, in the latter case, you need to have a solid process and free resources to respond as quickly as the agency expects and requires.

If you don’t have one, call us on 0175 72 75 222 or send us an e-mail to info@recall-support.de. Our experienced team will do everything necessary for you! From small electric vehicles (e.g. e-scooters) to trucks, we have already accompanied various recalls.

But is a recall also the right remedy? Be critical!

Yes, when an authority orders a recall it is not done arbitrarily. Typically, there are justified causes, be it an accident or an accumulation of defects or inspections carried out by the authority as part of market surveillance.

But carefully examine the content and scope of a recall. At the beginning of 2023, an important ruling was made by the Munich Higher Regional Court (OLG), in which it was established that a managing director can also be held (proportionately) liable for damage if he has failed to defend himself sufficiently against an ordered recall. What does it mean? The purpose of a recall is to eliminate a hazard to consumers or a non-conformity. In this case, remedial action must be taken to ensure that the hazard is eliminated.

This now also means for you, if you are in charge, that you have to make sure that the error and especially the risk have been assessed correctly. This must be done in a comprehensible manner. If you find that the products carry the risk in different degrees, i.e. not all products lead to a hazard to the same extent, you must resist an order.

We help you with a recall management and an expert evaluation

We are the only provider in the German-speaking world able to evaluate in the form of expert opinions whether your product is compliant with the relevant regulations.

This makes a recall management by us complete!

Regardless of whether you call us in as early as the fault and cause analysis stage or only when the order for a recall is already on your desk – we assess the problem in a structured and fast manner and help you either to defend yourself against the ordered (scope of the) recall or to prove in a legally secure manner that the ordered recall is justified.

Protect yourself, your reputation and your liability risk!

To put it plainly! We do not make favorable appraisals with the objective to avoid a recall at any price!

But we will protect you in your role as the manager or person responsible for recall in the company.

You will receive an expert opinion from us, with which you:

a) comply with your duty to mitigate damages

b) you minimize your personal liability risk

c) you minimize the economic damage to the company

d) you protect the image of the company and your products.

Regardless of whether the scope of the recall is reduced, completely omitted, or must be carried out in full, you have maximally secured yourself with an expert opinion.

Our recall management

If a recall, whether full or reduced, whether ordered or voluntary, is now unavoidable, we will support you.

Starting from the analysis of faults and their causes up to the follow-up of the processing, our experienced team can support you or take over the recall management completely, incl. Letter campaigns by post and e-mail.

Give us a call, we will be happy to advise you: 0175 72 75 222

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