
What happened?

It was about components on trucks. Through structured market surveillance, a customer had discovered that there were defects in a competitor’s product that led to accidents.

Our customer then transferred this error pattern to his own product and checked whether it would also be conceivable for him.

Via a well-founded risk assessment, he has determined that he at least cannot rule out the possibility that a comparable defect could also occur in his product.

He recognized the responsibility and decided to make improvements – not only for the new production, but also for existing products.

This means: Call back and exchange!

Why does one do such a thing?

You have the chance to significantly improve a product based on a specific cause.

For the image of a company, it is always better to proactively eliminate a potential risk than to “sweep up the pieces” afterwards.

One’s own processes can be re-sharpened. Here, for example, factors for a different evaluation in an FMEA could become apparent.

Those responsible in the company protect themselves against possible liability claims – if a risk is actively identified and a well-founded assessment is made – ideally by the neutral eye of a third party – it can be proven that one is aware of one’s responsibility.

How could we help?

Our 1st focus:

We checked whether the risk assessment was reliable, i.e. we ran it through again independently and came to a comparable result. A callback proved appropriate even after our evaluation.

Our 2nd focus:

We took over the coordination with the legal representation and prepared and checked the communication with authorities – also for queries and statements we could support with templates for the usual documents and also with formulation suggestions.

Our 3rd focus:

We have taken over communication with customers, service partners and distribution sites. This means, for example, that we informed end customers, took over the hotline as well as correspondence via letters, e-mails, etc.

Thanks to our modern IT, we can send both serial letters and serial e-mails in large numbers within a very short time. Via a reliable cooperation partner and clear processes, we can also provide a comprehensive telephone hotline for any queries by the parties concerned.

Our tips

Take market surveillance seriously and also keep an eye on competitors’ products!

Consult experts with a neutral view from the outside!

Let your employees concentrate on their core business and hand over tasks or even the complete callback management to outsiders!

Complete and transparent documentation ensures high reimbursement rates to your insurance company – so only trust the real experts.

Do you need experts to support you?

Do not hesitate to contact us!

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