VLOG – What does a recall mean?
A shot about what’s at the beginning of a recall. The most important questions: What is the error? What is the cause of the error? What is the risk – as what can happen to whom with what probability?
A shot about what’s at the beginning of a recall. The most important questions: What is the error? What is the cause of the error? What is the risk – as what can happen to whom with what probability?
The story of Dipl. Ing. (BA) Mark Haacke and his company Again and again, people ask me how it was possible for us to grow from a “one-man-show” to a small but solid consulting firm in such a short time. Therefore, I would now like to give you an insight into how all this could…
The founder – Mark Haacke many years of experience from which you profit! Mark Haacke has been the CEO of Mark Haacke Training & Consulting since its inception in 2019. After many exciting stations in the automotive industry, from his work as an expert for an officially recognized monitoring organization, to positions with suppliers, and…
Law and contract management We warmly welcome Arne Christ to the team and look forward to working with him. For small businesses, supplier and customer management may also present challenges from a legal perspective. A large number of GTCs have to be examined and evaluated, disadvantageous supplier contracts have to be avoided, and a contractual…
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