If you introduce products to the market, you are obliged to ensure that the products do not pose a risk to users and others. You are probably familiar with this obligation under the term “product monitoring”.

This means that to ensure this, you need to monitor their own products, but also products of market competitors in the use phase. This results in the initiation of measures for the elimination of errors or risks, if necessary.

The term market surveillance also includes the obligation of the authorities to inspect the products during the use phase and to react to misconduct and “negligence” on the part of manufacturers with appropriate measures.

In this context, the legislator also stipulates that corresponding authorities be installed in the markets. These monitor the products in the field and initiate measures or issue product warnings (e.g. via RAPEX portal). In this way, the legislator ensures that products 1. Compliant and 2. are safe.

Learning Goal

Our training on market surveillance and recalls is designed to give you, the participant, easy and quick access to the complex topic.

Important regulations and legal acts are highlighted and explained how you can implement them in practice.

As a participant, you will learn to use tools to identify deviations and risks and how to safely evaluate identified errors and risks. Using the risk assessment according to RAPEX, you will practice on a practical case which criteria are taken into account in order to be able to reliably assess a product defect and derive appropriate measures.

After this training

  • know your obligation regarding product and market surveillance.
  • you have the knowledge of the most important legal requirements according to the (EU) 2018/858, the ProdSG, ProdHG and further standards.
  • you know what rights and obligations the market surveillance authorities have.
  • know the RAPEX portal and its function.
  • you can perform a risk assessment according to RAPEX.
  • understand the process of a recall and can actively support recall management.

What awaits you

This training has a focus on automotive products, but also shows the parallels to other consumer products. These are subject to comparable requirements to a large extent. In addition to those responsible for market surveillance and recalls, the training is also important for employees who perform tasks as PSB/PSCR (Product Safety & Compliance Responsible).

As part of an in-house training, which we can offer from 4 participants, we set the focus of the content according to your needs and requirements.

Small quizzes, moderated discussion rounds and practical exercises make it easier to consolidate what you have learned.


  • legal bases and safeguard clauses (EU) 2018/858
  • Reasons for recalls
  • legal requirements (EU) 2018/858, ProdSG, ProdHG and others
  • Market surveillance authorities – duties and powers
  • RAPEX portal / Safety Gate
  • RAPEX risk assessment
  • Hazard and nonconformity
  • Shutdown measures
  • Recall management

Group of participants

  • Specialists and executives from quality assurance and quality management
  • Development employees
  • Distribution and Aftersales
  • Supply industry and service providers
  • Authorities and technical services
  • Interested

Formats and dates

The Market Surveillance & Recalls training is designed as a one-day training. In combination with our other training courses, you can create your own personal learning path and achieve the qualification you are aiming for in a targeted manner.

You may choose to attend our open events or in-house training.

For open events you can find the dates in our event calendar.

We organize in-house trainings according to your wishes – you choose the date and tell us the number of participants – from 4 to 300 participants we can offer you many options. You also determine the venue according to your needs – at your location, at our location, in a seminar hotel or online/hybrid.

You have the choice between German- / and English-language events.


You end the training with a learning success check. This serves on the one hand your own evaluation of the learning success, but also our internal quality management.

After completion of the event you will receive a certificate, as proof of the acquired qualification.

Request and booking

Call us on 069/153 22 51 10 or send us an e-mail to

We look forward to your participation in one of our trainings!