Explanation: Feedback is collected via questionnaires after the event. All evaluations submitted are included in the overall ranking.


Has the trainer succeeded in “picking up” training participants and creating a common basis for the main topic?

Did you find the trainer to be professionally competent?

Did the trainer convey the technical content clearly?

Did the trainer respond sufficiently to your questions and comments?


Participant from 20.10.2023 – open CoP basic training: “Everything wonderful, Mark conveys the complex content in a simple way. I learned a lot and would take part in a training course again at any time!”

Participant from 20.10.2023 – open CoP basic training: “Mr. Haacke did a very good job of making the training interesting, so that even on a Friday afternoon the attention was still high!

Participant from 07.12.2022 – Market surveillance and recalls: “Thank you very much for the super interesting seminar!”

Participant 12-2012, approval procedure basic training, CoP basic training, market surveillance and recalls: “Very successful for the fact that the training could only take place online. As a participant, you always felt picked up and taken along. Very well prepared and executed by the technical team.”

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