In a previous VLOG, we went into more detail about the terms in-service compliance and in-use compliance. In our video, we explain how IUPR relates to this and what obligations it entails for you.
You can find more information here in our blog.
What is CoP? CoP is the abbreviation for “Conformity of Production”. But what is it now? Don’t miss our other articles on CoP-Q and CoP-P. You can also gain in-depth insights in our CoP basic training course.
The terms approval and authorization are often confused in practice. Although they are related, many people are not aware that the underlying facts are actually different. In our video, we explain what separates the terms and when which usage is correct. Our training courses on the approval process will tell you everything you need to…
A shot about what’s at the beginning of a recall. The most important questions: What is the error? What is the cause of the error? What is the risk – as what can happen to whom with what probability?
An initial assessment is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the quality management system to the approval authority.
“COC” is the abbreviation for “Certificate of Confomity”. The COC document can therefore be translated as “Certificate of Conformity” or “Declaration of Conformity”. Accordingly, the manufacturer confirms in writing with this document that a specific vehicle conforms to an “approved type”. You can find a more detailed explanation in our video. You can find more…
The abbreviations ISC or IUC often cause confusion. In short, in-service compliance or in-use compliance are the same thing and describe the legal requirement to inspect vehicles that are already in use. The focus here is on compliance with the limit values for the individual exhaust gas components. We have summarized what the legislator expects…
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