There are currently no evaluations for this training. Be among the first to submit a review. Follow the link to the form in German and this link to the form in English. No access to the link? Write us a short eMail.
Opinion I have come to know Mr. Haacke as a competent colleague at all times.A.Kremer Event Group Manager at Opel, Source: Linkedin Recommendation
There are currently no evaluations for this training. Be among the first to submit a review. Follow the link to the form in German and this link to the form in English. No access to the link? Write us a short eMail.
Opinion Extremely competent and friendly! Thanks again for the expert assistance with type approval of our latest products! Event Initial assessment, approval process, 2021
Explanation: Feedback is collected via questionnaires after the event. All ratings submitted will be included in the overall ranking. Rating Were the basics at the beginning of the training sufficiently conveyed to allow a good introduction to the topic according to your level of knowledge? Have you seen any learning progress in the current training?…
The story of Dipl. Ing. (BA) Mark Haacke and his company Again and again, people ask me how it was possible for us to grow from a “one-man-show” to a small but solid consulting firm in such a short time. Therefore, I would now like to give you an insight into how all this could…
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