How can you reduce the effort required for CoP?

If we are asked for support in matters of CoP (Conformity of Production), from time to time the request “the costs must come down!” also comes up.

Most of them are then very surprised how much potential we can show and, above all, how quickly this can be implemented.

Do I now get a problem with the authority when I optimize CoP?

No! If you do everything right, you will increase the quality of your CoP evidence. This has a positive effect on the result of an audit. No auditor considers many CoP reports as evidence of sound production compliance procedures, i.e. CoP. The selected procedures, test intervals and sample sizes must be representative of the entire production. At this point it should be said that you do not have to repeat the full scope of the type test at a fixed interval. If this were the legislature’s intention, it would set a time limit on type testing (e.g., one year).

Our team has a long experience regarding CoP (Conformity of Production) .

In one project, I/we succeeded in reducing the costs in the exhaust gas CoP by a whopping 80%. As a result, the CoP reports, which serve as proof to the approval authority, were also of significantly higher quality.

Granted, it is the exception to show such a high savings potential, but even behind a reduction of 5% can be partly large amounts.

How do I find out what I can do quickly and without an expensive consultant?

With our sophisticated training program, we are our biggest competitor! I have to admit that openly.

But it’s just as well. We are not a large management consultancy or a large engineering service provider. Our ambition is to make you and your employees fit for your tasks. We succeed very well in this with our training program, which is divided into breadth and depth and allows targeted qualifications.

Of course, we also accompany you in extensive projects – with our project work division, we have created the processes for this. Also the staff and of course the pricing allows us to support you over a longer period of time, even at your site.

Learn tricks from the pro

You can learn some tricks of the trade from my many years of practical experience as Head of CoP Complete Vehicle at a vehicle manufacturer in our training course“Conformity of Production – Level 2“. Here we focus precisely on these topics. How can I not only reduce the CoP effort, but also focus it in such a way that I can draw valid conclusions about the entire production via the CoP evidence and CoP testing?

This training has a workshop character due to a high proportion of practical exercises.

Do you want an individual solution for your CoP?

Contact us! The initial consultation is free of charge, because you should be able to judge which know-how you are bringing into your company. You can send appointment requests to

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